This is a post sharing some useful websites links and datasets links.
GADM offers detailed maps of all countries, including their administrative subdivisions. You can find this resource here: GADM - Geospatial Administrative Areas Database.
TIGER provides lots of North American geo-spatial datasets. TIGER stands for the Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system and represents the U.S. Census Bureau’s geographic spatial data. URL:TIGER Line Shapefiles and TIGER Census Data.
USGS Earth Explorer. Query and order satellite images, aerial photographs, and cartographic products through the U.S. Geological Survey. URL:USGS Earth Explorer. (3DEP LiDAR)
The TNM Download Client is built on modern web technologies and features a simplified approach to downloading products from The National Map. URL:USGS TNM Download. (SRTM Data)
Overture Maps provides free and open map data normalized to a common schema. They are currently focused on building the administrative boundaries, base (water, land, land use),buildings, places, transportation. URL:Overture Maps. (US Building Dataset)
The GRACE twin satellites, launched 17 March 2002, are making detailed measurements of Earth’s gravity field changes and revolutionizing investigations about Earth’s water reservoirs over land, ice and oceans, as well as earthquakes and crustal deformations. URL:GRACE. (Worldwide Water Storage Changes Dataset)